Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme

The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS) has been replaced by the SQE route.

Find out what were the recognised jurisdictions for the QLTS route.

Passed the SQE2

The deadline has passed for you to apply for admission. To find out your options, please contact us.

Sat and failed the SQE2

You will need to qualify through the SQE route.

You can no longer use your old SQE account and will need to create a new one. This will reset your SQE assessment attempts to zero.

Not attempted SQE2

If you did not attempt SQE2, you will need to qualify through the SQE route.

Passed the QLTS OSCE

The deadline has passed for you to apply for admission. Please contact us to find out your options.

SQE exemptions

Please note, you cannot apply for an exemption from a part of the SQE that you have previously failed. You must retake the assessment and pass to be eligible to qualify as a solicitor in England and Wales.


Your QLTS MCT cannot be used instead of SQE1.

This is because there are differences between the QLTS day one outcomes and the Functioning Legal Knowledge (FLK1 and FLK2) tested in SQE1. For example, SQE1 includes the procedural subjects of Business Law and Practice Wills and the Administration of Estates, Property Practice, Dispute Resolution and Criminal Practice.

If you apply for an SQE1 exemption, you can ask us to take your MCT into account. This could be for the whole of SQE1 or just FLK1 or FLK2.

Your MCT alone is not equivalent to either of the two SQE1 assessments – FLK1 and FLK2 – and we do not grant partial exemptions.


You need to pass SQE1 to use an SQE2 exemption.

This is because any SQE2 exemption is based on a candidate being assessed through SQE1 as well, and their practice rights being the same as a solicitor of England and Wales.

If you apply for an SQE2 exemption, and are successful, you will qualify through the SQE route. This means you would need pass the SQE1 assessment or apply for an individual exemption.