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Page | 1 Attitudes to regulation and compliance in legal services Executive Summary of 2011 Research Findings Page 2 of 14 Introduction On 6 October 2011,

Page | 1 Attitudes to regulation and compliance in legal services 2011 Research Findings Page 2 of 139 Contents Introduction ..................................

Draft business plan 2020/21 December 2019 Strategy and five-year policy objectives 1 Promoting the public interest through ensuring independent, effective and proportionate regulation

Public: Item 7 SRA BOARD 2 December 2015 CLASSIFICATION – PUBLIC Page 1 of 8 SRA Research Programme – 2015/16 Purpose 1 This paper provides the Board with project information and budget

Public – Item 5 EQUALITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION COMMITTEE 12 July 2016 Classification – Public Page 1 of 14 Progress update against the EDI Action Plan 2015/16 Purpose

Download - Legal Practice Course Outcomes 2019

Ministry of Justice – Call for evidence on the regulation of legal services in England and Wales Solicitors Regulation Authority response September 2013 02/09/2013 Page 1 of 21

Legal Practice Course Outcomes 2007 Version 1, November 2007 Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................

Download - Legal Practice Course Outcomes 2011

Public - Item 4 EQUALITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION (EDI) COMMITTEE 7 September 2016 CLASSIFICATION – PUBLIC (save for individual items marked as official) Page 1 of 18