Solicitors practising in youth court advocacy

These resources are for solicitors practising in the youth justice system and their employers. They can help you:

  • Address the challenges of practising in the youth justice system, including adapting to the needs of vulnerable children and engaging effectively with them.
  • Meet your continuing competence obligations by identifying and addressing any learning and development needs so your knowledge, skills and behaviours are up to date.
  • Deliver a competent service as required by our Code of Conduct.
  • Demonstrate good practice.

We developed these resources with a wide range of stakeholders, including lawyers who practise in the youth justice system and representatives from:

  • The Association of Youth Offending Team Managers
  • The Ministry of Justice Working Group on Quality of Advocacy
  • The Magistrates’ Association
  • Just for Kids Law
  • The Crown Prosecution Service.

You can use these resources alongside our continuing competence resources and our advocacy resources.



Supporting youth court advocates

Various speakers

Why youth courts are different

Various speakers

How youth court solicitors can stay competent

Various speakers

Hints and tips for youth court advocates

Various speakers

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