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SRA investigations: health issues and medical evidence - Guidance

Guidance: to help you understand the approach we take to health issues which are raised by those we are investigating and the medical evidence we might ask for.

Workplace environment: risks of failing to protect and support colleagues - Guidance

Guidance on our approach where we consider that individuals and firms have failed to take appropriate steps to look after colleagues' wellbeing.

Workplace environment: risks of failing to protect and support colleagues - Case studies

Case studies to be read in conjunction with the guidance on workplace environment: risks of failing to protect and support colleagues

Publishing complaints procedure - Guidance

The requirements under the Transparency Rules to publish information concerning your complaints procedure.

Improper use of client account as a banking facility - Warning notice

How to prevent your firm’s client bank account being improperly used as a banking facility.

Improper use of client account as a banking facility - Case studies

Case studies to be read in conjunction with the warning notice on improper use of client account as a banking facility.

Do I need to operate a client account? - Guidance

Questions and answers for SRA-authorised firms that receive client money in the form of fees and disbursements and want to rely on the exemption not to operate a client account.

Solicitors undertaking regulated claims management and immigration activities - Guidance

Understand your obligations and how to comply with them. We will have regard to it when exercising our regulatory functions.

Complying with the UK Sanctions Regime - Guidance

This guidance is to help you understand your obligations and how to comply with them. We will have regard to it when exercising our regulatory functions

Effective supervision - Guidance

Guidance for solicitors and firms the SRA regulates that supervise individuals delivering legal services. This includes services delivered by individuals who are not authorised by us.

Immigration work - Guidance

Under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (IAA) you must be a 'qualified' person to provide immigration and asylum advice and services to the public in England and Wales - explained in this detailed guidance.

Convictions arising from matters of principle or social conscience - Guidance

To explain your obligations when you as a legal practitioner are convicted in relation to matters of principle or social conscience.

Sexual Misconduct - Guidance

Guidance about sexual misconduct allegations for those we regulate and complainants considering reporting allegations of sexual misconduct to us.

Acting with integrity - Guidance

To help explain Principle 5 and the requirement to act with integrity.

Professional duties during action taken by the Criminal Bar Association - Guidance

What our Standards and Regulations require when acting for clients who may be affected by industrial action taken by the Criminal Bar Association (CBA).

Undertakings given by, or on behalf of, incorporated practices - Guidance

To explain your obligations when undertakings are provided by, or on behalf of, incorporated practices.

Advising on leasehold provisions including ground rent clauses - Guidance

To help you understand what our Standards and Regulations require when acting for clients who are buying leasehold properties and to avoid possible breaches of our requirements.

Solicitors undertaking regulated financial services activities relating to pre-paid funeral plans - Guidance

Clarifies the position of SRA-authorised firms following the introduction of new regulatory requirements relating to pre-paid funeral plans.

Issuing Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal proceedings - Guidance

To help you understand the approach we take when deciding whether to issue proceedings in the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal.

Accepting instructions from vulnerable clients or third parties acting on their behalf - Guidance

To highlight issues to consider before receiving and accepting instructions from vulnerable clients or third parties acting on their behalf.