What do we offer to law firms and technology providers?

We are already helping law firms to grow and run their businesses in creative ways. Our services include:

  • offering multi-disciplinary partnerships giving the public to access a 'one-stop-shop' for legal and non-legal professional services, including a fit-for-purpose authorisation process for new business models.
  • allowing specific rules to be waived for example to allow firms to introduce more streamlined legal service arrangements.
  • access to a dedicated professional ethics guidance service to help firms deal with any regulatory barriers they think may be stopping them doing something new
  • resources that help firms thinking about implementing technology to deliver their legal services

We also provide support to technology firms looking to develop new platforms and tech products for legal businesses and the users of legal services. This includes:

  • access to our innovation team for advice on what to be aware of when designing products and services for legal businesses or platforms which involve access to regulated law firms or solicitors
  • resources that will help you navigate legal services and other regulation
  • establishing an innovators forum where we can hear directly from you about any challenges you are facing

We will also will bring law firms and innovators together to: 

  • deliver real-world proof-of-concepts or trials to demonstrate benefit and de-risk solutions
  • link innovators and law firms to sources of government funding like the ‘Help to Grow’ scheme and  Smart Grants for innovation and lawtech development  and to services provided by the British Business Bank.