Solving legal issues through technology

The latest funding grant from the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund (RPF) will explore how online dispute resolution (ODR) can help tackle the unmet legal need of individuals, consumers and micro/small enterprises.

In a push to make the UK the world's most innovative economy, the RPF was launched back in 2018 by the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy. The RPF gave regulators and local authorities grants to speed up innovation in their respective areas.

This project is led by a group made up of The Access to Justice Foundation, the Solicitors Regulation Authority and The Law Society. The group aims to enhance access to justice by developing a digital tool,  for use by vulnerable people, consumers and micro/small businesses looking to resolve their legal issue.

Views wanted from online dispute resolution developers and providers

Our desk research shows that ODR presents opportunities to enhance access to justice, but that gaps still exist in the market. Vulnerable people, consumers and small businesses with disputes do not fit into existing frameworks.

The consortium is holding a series of roundtables to understand more about the barriers that exist and potential solutions to address challenges.

If you are an ODR developer, frontline free legal advice provider or have an interest in employment or housing disputes, there are opportunities to get involved.

Read more information on the workshops, you can also sign up to the workshops which are relevant to your area of expertise via the links below.

Workshop for Date/ Time Registration link
Employment disputes consumers and service providers Monday 15 July, 10am-12pm Register now
Frontline free legal advice providers Wednesday 17 July, 10am-12pm Register now
Housing disputes consumers and service providers Tuesday 23 July, 10am-12pm Register now
Micro and small company disputes, consumers and service providers Wednesday 24 July, 10am-12pm Register now
Dispute resolution tool developers Tuesday 30 July, 10am-12:30pm Register now