
Compliance conference 2024 – save the date

We have set the date of this year's Compliance Conference as Tuesday 5 November. Hopefully there won't be too many fireworks, but we do hope there will be plenty of other things to keep you interested.

As usual, there will be the normal mix of discussion around the hottest topics, as well as information on issues we are seeing around cybercrime, innovation, education and training, and money laundering.

So save the date in your diary. We will be making booking information available in due course and we look forward to seeing you there. In the meantime, if you missed out on last year's conference – or indeed are new to the experience and want to find out what the fuss is about – you can catch up on the 2023 version via our on-demand service.

Go to last year's on-demand conference

Of those who completed a feedback survey, 97 per cent said they found it useful or very useful, and 96% said they would attend a similar event again.