SRA corporate strategy benchmarking – what drives trust and confidence in legal services?

Overview of the research

Person walking down a busy city street while capturing a photo, with other pedestrians around and a banner at the bottom saying 'Read the summary report'.

Research background

In November 2023, we published our 2023–2026 strategy, with the mission to drive confidence and trust in legal services.

Following the publication of the strategy, we commissioned Thinks Insight & Strategy to conduct research to better understand how we can best achieve the strategy's mission, as well as benchmark views so we can assess progress over the life of the strategy.

Key objectives of the research

  1. Understanding which main areas contribute to confidence and trust in legal services.
  2. Understanding where we should be focusing strategically in order to drive confidence and trust in legal services.
  3. Setting a benchmark for the levels of confidence and trust in legal services, to track over time.

Thinks defined measurable Strategic Performance Indicators (SPIs), which will be used to track the success of the strategy over time, and also identified the key drivers of confidence and trust in legal services among key stakeholder groups.

It engaged five key audiences in the research:

  • Consumers – representing a variety of demographics, and those who had recent experience of using legal services.
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) – specifically senior decision-makers who have interactions with legal services.
  • Legal Professionals – including regulated solicitors as well as barristers, trainees and apprentices, and unregulated legal professionals.
  • Members of the UK Parliament (MPs) and members of the Senedd (Welsh Parliament) (MSs)*.
  • Opinion Leaders – leaders across policy and politics, regulation and media with relevance to legal services.

* Fieldwork conducted pre-2024 election


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