
Showing 186 results

Upholding professional standards 2017/2018 - Corporate reporting

Our Upholding Professional Standards report sets out information about how complaints are handled, how we conduct investigations, and how we decide whether and what sort of regulatory action is necessary.

Maintaining standards of service and reducing complaints - Risk publication

The standard of legal services and the actions of solicitors and firms has an impact on public confidence in the rule of law and the overall effectiveness of the operation of the legal system.

First tier complaints report

We have committed to publishing our first tier complaints data annually. This is part of our commitment to improve information about legal services.

SRA Transparency Rules: Web sweep report

The SRA Transparency Rules came into force on 6 December 2018 and require firms to publish price and service information if they publish, as part of their usual business, the availability of certain common services.

Understanding implementation of our approach to continuing competence

We expect all solicitors to deliver a proper level of service to clients. This is a basic expectation of the profession and helps maintain the UK as the world’s centre of excellence for legal services.



A thematic review of trust and company service providers

Thematic review: Money laundering is not a victimless crime. It is used to fund terrorists and facilitates drug dealers and people traffickers, as well as a range of other criminal activity.

Residential conveyancing - Thematic review

Thematic review: We carried out this thematic review to better understand how firms are delivering residential conveyancing services, and whether they are fulfilling their obligations to their clients.

Authorisation and monitoring activity 2016/17

We have a statutory responsibility for the education and training of solicitors, as set out in the Solicitors Act 1974 and the Legal Services Act 2007.

Technology and legal services - Risk publication

Technology can help law firms offer services that are more efficient, productive, and accurate. But the legal market faces challenges in realising these benefits.

Balancing duties in litigation - Risk publication

This report discusses the differing duties owed in litigation, and examines the ways in which misconduct can arise. By bringing together examples of the challenges solicitors face when balancing these duties.