
Showing 186 results

Experiences of consumers who may be vulnerable in family law

From the perspective of legal firms and consumers, this research explores the accessibility, cost and quality of family law services in the context of recent legal aid reforms.

Introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination: Monitoring and Maximising Diversity

This report, prepared by policy association the Bridge Group, considers how the SRA could monitor the impact of the SQE on candidates with protected characteristics and on those from lower socioeconomic groups through data collation and analysis. It also recommends steps the SRA could take to maximise the positive impact of the SQE on diversity.

Asylum report: The quality of legal service provided to asylum seekers - Thematic review

Thematic review: In this report, we set out the results of our thematic asylum project (the project). This review was undertaken in the light of the findings of independent research we commissioned in 2014, reported in the, 'Quality of legal services for asylum seekers', published in January 2016 (the research paper).

An assessment of the market for Personal Injury

Our report assessing Personal Injury (PI) legal services has provided us with a detailed and up to date understanding of how this market is functioning following the introduction of legislative reforms under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO).

Providing services to people who are vulnerable - Risk publication

This report brings together a range of resources, information and case studies for solicitors and law firms about providing services to people who are vulnerable. It includes an overview of how regulation and legislation apply when a legal services client is vulnerable.

Regulation and Education Authorisation and monitoring activity September 2014–August 2015

The purpose of this report is to tell our stakeholders about the outcomes of our quality assurance activity in relation to education and training. Unless otherwise stated, it relates to the period 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2015. This reflects the higher education academic year.



Qualification in other jurisdictions– international benchmarking

In order to provide points of comparison when developing our proposed routes to qualification, we have benchmarked relevant overseas jurisdictions to establish common international practice.

Solicitors' professional standards (A Question of Trust)

We commissioned academics from University College London to help us develop and delivery a survey of solicitors to test their approach to ethical and regulatory scenarios.

Anti Money Laundering Report

Thematic review: In September 2014, we announced our plan to undertake a thematic review of anti money laundering (AML) compliance by solicitors.

Independent regulation of solicitors: Public opinion poll findings

ComRes interviewed 1,810 adults in England and Wales online, in mid-January 2016, about their views on the regulation of solicitors. The poll found widespread support for the idea of solicitors being regulated independently (82 per cent), compared to just 6 per cent of adults in England and Wales who say that solicitors should be self-regulated.