
Showing 189 results

Review of the training records of solicitors practising in magistrates and higher courts

Solicitors undertaking criminal advocacy have particular responsibilities to their clients and to the courts. Poor standards can result in consumer harm, miscarriages of justice and threaten the rule of law

Diogelu cleientiaid, ymyriadau a’r gronfa iawndal 2021/22

Os ydym yn amau bod pobl mewn perygl o gael gwasanaethau cyfreithiol gan gyfreithiwr anonest, neu os oes angen, am ryw reswm arall, i ddiogelu buddiannau cleientiaid, gallwn gymryd camau a chau cwmni neu bractis cyfreithiwr.

Cynnal Safonau Proffesiynol 2021/22

Yr Awdurdod Rheoleiddio Cyfreithwyr (SRA) yw rheoleiddiwr cyfreithwyr a chwmnïau cyfreithiol yng Nghymru a Lloegr.

Cynnal Safonau Proffesiynol 2021/22 – Monitro Amrywiaeth, Adroddiad Ategol

Dyma’r bedwaredd flwyddyn lle rydym wedi cyhoeddi canfyddiadau ar nodweddion amrywiaeth pobl yn ein prosesau gorfodi.

Thematic Review: The use of Non Disclosure Agreements in workplace complaints

Our warning notice recognises the legitimate place NDAs have in agreements to protect commercial interests, reputation, and confidentiality.

Annual assessment of continuing competence 2023

This report outlines findings from our review into how solicitors keep their skills and knowledge up to date and how firms make sure they are competent to provide the legal services they offer.



Risk Outlook: managing regulatory risk during economic uncertainty

Law firms of all sizes are currently managing regulatory risk in a period of economic uncertainty and this report helps identify and manage those areas of risk.

Our corporate reports for 2021/22

This combined set of reports covers our work in authorisation, client protection and education and training for our financial year November 2021 to October 2022,

Client protection, interventions and compensation fund - corporate report 2021/22

We intervene and close down about 40 solicitor firms a year to protect client interests. This report details trends from 2021 to 2022.

Education and training - corporate report 2021/22

Solicitors enter the profession through a range of routes but the majority of solicitors now take SQE assessments. This report charts training and education trends during 2021 and 2022.