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Upholding Professional Standards 2018/19 - Corporate reporting

Upholding Professional Standards review looks at the key themes in our work.

Upholding Professional Standards – Diversity Monitoring, Supporting Report - Corporate reporting

We take our commitment to supporting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) very seriously.

Client Protection Review 2018/19 - Corporate reporting

If we know that people are at risk of receiving legal services from a dishonest solicitor, or it is, for some other reason, necessary to protect the interests of clients, we can take action and close down a firm or a solicitor's practice. We call this an intervention.

Education and Training - Corporate reporting

We set the education and training standards for solicitors to make sure the people we allow into the profession are competent. This is so that people who use legal services get a proper standard of service from their solicitor.

Our Anti-money Laundering Work - Corporate reporting

Money laundering is when criminals 'clean' the proceeds (the financial gains) of crime. Criminals transform proceeds into assets, such as houses or companies, or other seemingly legitimate funds, for example, money in a bank account. In some cases, laundered money is used to fund terrorism.

2018/19 in review - Corporate reporting

Feedback on last year's Annual Review indicated that people were looking for more concise and targeted information on the areas of our work they were most interested in.

Our work since the ICCR on the profile of solicitors in our enforcement work

There is a longstanding overrepresentation of certain groups – men and people from a black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) background – in our enforcement processes, as is widely seen across many regulators and sectors.

Anti-Money Laundering Visits 2019-2020

We are a supervisory authority under The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (“the regulations”). We have a role in checking firms are complying with the regulations and ensuring they have effective AML policies controls and procedures in place.

Legal Choices summary report 2017–2020

In response to recommendations in the December 2016 Competition and Markets Authority report on how the legal sector was working for consumers, the regulators agreed a three-year development plan for Legal Choices. This report sets out what we did and looks ahead to the next stages.

Risk Outlook 2020/2021

Welcome to our new Risk Outlook for 2020/21. The Outlook sets out our view on the key risks and challenges currently facing the profession, helping you to take steps to protect both your firm and your clients.