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Quality of Criminal Advocacy

The delivery of high quality advocacy plays a fundamental role in ensuring the effective and fair delivery of justice within the courts of England and Wales.

Better information in the legal services market - 2018

Key to improving accessibility is understanding what factors the public consider and what information they would like to know more about, when they have a potential need for professional legal support.

Encouraging innovation: transparency about our waiver decisions

While we set out the standards we expect of solicitors and firms, we have always allowed some of our rules to be waived in certain circumstances where this is judged to be in the public interest. Where we grant a waiver the individual or firm does not need to comply with the specific rule or rules to which the waiver applies.

Impact assessment of the deregulation of the prescribed SRA minimum salary for trainees

In 2014, we removed the minimum salary levels for trainee solicitors. The previous levels of prescribed salary were replaced with a requirement for trainees to be paid at least the national minimum or living wage.

Evaluating our reforms: Accountants' reports

This report sets out the changes we have introduced so far to the accountant's report requirements evaluates the impact of these changes provides examples of reports submitted to us.

Impact evaluation of SRA's regulatory reform programme

We have delivered significant regulatory reform to the legal market in recent years, intended to make legal services more accessible and help meet legal need by making it easier for non-lawyers to participate in legal services.

Payment Protection Insurance: Thematic review

Thematic review: Mis-sold payment protection insurance (PPI) claims have been a feature of the legal market since 2011, when the High Court ordered lenders to repay customers who had been sold products which were unsuitable for them.

Understanding consumer experiences of conveyancing legal services

Conveyancing is one of the most common legal services people use in their lifetime, with more than one million homes bought and sold every year in the UK.

Preventing Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

The legal profession plays a vital role in tackling money laundering which is considered to be one of the greatest risks both society and the profession faces.

The business case for diversity - Risk publication

This paper is about the business benefits of a diverse and inclusive legal profession. It provides practical examples of the actions firms can take and what we are doing to support firms.